
data class AggregatedD2Progress(val isComplete: Boolean = false, val totalCalls: Int? = null, val doneCalls: List<String> = emptyList(), val dataSets: Map<String, D2ProgressStatus> = emptyMap()) : D2Progress


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constructor(isComplete: Boolean = false, totalCalls: Int? = null, doneCalls: List<String> = emptyList(), dataSets: Map<String, D2ProgressStatus> = emptyMap())


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class Builder(var isComplete: Boolean = false, var totalCalls: Int? = null, var doneCalls: List<String> = emptyList(), var dataSets: Map<String, D2ProgressStatus> = emptyMap()) : D2Progress.Builder<AggregatedD2Progress.Builder>
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object Companion


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open override val doneCalls: List<String>
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@get:JvmName(name = "getIsComplete")
open override val isComplete: Boolean = false
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open override val totalCalls: Int? = null


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fun totalCalls(): Int?